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- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!athena.mit.edu!jik
- From: jik@athena.mit.edu (Jonathan I. Kamens)
- Newsgroups: news.answers
- Subject: news.answers submission guidelines
- Supersedes: <news-answers-guidelines_722412017@athena.mit.edu>
- Followup-To: poster
- Date: 22 Dec 1992 06:01:30 GMT
- Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Lines: 490
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu (Jonathan I. Kamens)
- Distribution: world
- Expires: 4 Feb 1993 06:01:14 GMT
- Message-ID: <news-answers-guidelines_725004074@athena.mit.edu>
- Reply-To: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu (Jonathan I. Kamens)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
- Archive-name: news-answers/guidelines
- Version: $Id: guidelines,v 1.39 1992/12/14 02:28:10 jik Exp $
- In order to submit an FAQ posting to the news.answers newsgroup, you
- should first modify your posting to conform to the guidelines given
- below, in section I. Then, you should submit your posting to me using
- the instructions given below, in section II.
- Once your posting is approved, you will post it directly to
- news.answers and other newsgroups yourself; i.e., after approval, you
- no longer have to go through me at all to post. This is explained in
- more detail below.
- I. Submission guidelines
- A. Why the guidelines?
- There are three main reasons for the guidelines that are listed
- below.
- 1. Appropriateness
- Only periodic informational postings that are intended to be read
- by people belong in news.answers. The guidelines are meant to
- prevent other types of postings, including discussion of periodic
- informational postings, from appearing in the group.
- 2. Usefulness to people
- The newsgroup should be as useful as possible to the people who
- read it. Requirements such as effective "Subject:" and
- "Summary:" lines (see below) further this goal.
- 3. Automatic archiving
- One of the main points of news.answers is that it can be archived
- automatically in order to build up a database of periodic
- informational postings. Requirements such as the "Archive-name:"
- line further that goal.
- B. Required header fields
- There are two "headers" in a news.answers posting. The first is
- the normal header that any article posted to the USENET has. The
- second header, the "auxiliary header," is separated from the first
- by one or more blank lines. As far as the News software is
- concerned, the auxiliary header is just part of the body of the
- article; however, news.answers requires some information in it.
- The requirements for each of the two headers are discussed in
- detail below. Required headers are marked with "(R)", while
- optional ones are marked with "(O)".
- 1. The normal header
- a. Newsgroups (R)
- I need to know exactly what will appear in the Newsgroups line
- of the posting. Although the order of newsgroups on the line is
- not important from the point of view of the news software, I
- prefer to have news.answers listed last, since it is the least
- "relevant" of the listed newsgroups.
- Example:
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.foo,news.answers
- Note that your Newsgroups line should NOT contain only
- news.answers. FAQ postings should be cross-posted to
- news.answers from their home newsgroups, rather than being
- posted separately to news.answers.
- However, if you get approval for news.answers cross-posting in
- the middle of your "posting cycle," and you do not wish to wait
- until the next scheduled posting time to cross-post to
- news.answers, then you can post your FAQ only to news.answers.
- If you choose to do this, please make sure to let me know you
- are going to, and please do not do it more than once.
- b. Subject (R)
- The subject line of your posting should have some meaning
- outside of its home newsgroup(s). For example, instead of just
- "FAQ," you might have "<x> FAQ", where "<x>" is the name of the
- newsgroup or the topic being discussed.
- Furthermore, important information should appear near the
- beginning of the subject line, so that news readers that display
- article summaries don't cut off the important information. For
- example, instead of "Frequently Asked Questions about <x>," use
- "<x> Frequently asked Questions."
- Example:
- Subject: comp.sys.foo Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- c. Followup-To (R) and Reply-To (O)
- Your posting must have a "Followup-To:" line in the header that
- directs followups to somewhere other than news.answers. You may
- choose to direct followups back to the home newsgroup of the
- FAQ, or to direct followups to the author of the FAQ, in which
- case "Followup-To: poster" is sufficient. That means that you
- actually put the word "poster" there, as specified in the RFC
- which describes the format of Usenet postings. Do NOT put an
- E-mail address in the "Followup-To:" field.
- If you forget the "Followup-To:" and I get mailed followups to
- your FAQ, I'm going to get peeved at you.
- Furthermore, your posting must have a valid E-mail reply address
- in the header, either in the "From:" field, or if not in "From:"
- then in "Reply-To:".
- Example:
- From: guru@foosys.com (Joe R. Programmer)
- Followup-To: comp.sys.foo
- Reply-To: faq-mail@foosys.com (FAQ Comments address)
- In this example, "guru" apparently wants mail about the FAQ to
- go to a different address than the rest of his mail. I've shown
- the "From:" header, because the version of the FAQ that you
- forward to me should show the "From:" header just as it will
- appear when the article is actually posted.
- d. Supersedes, Expires, References (O)
- It is a good idea to use "Supersedes:" and "Expires:" header
- lines to make sure that each version of your FAQ stays around
- until the next time it is posted. A useful tool for this is my
- perl FAQ poster. It is available from pit-manager.mit.edu, via
- anonymous ftp in the file /pub/post_faq/post_faq.shar, or via
- mail server (send mail to mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu with
- "send post_faq/post_faq.shar" in the body).
- Furthermore, if you are posting a multi-part FAQ posting or a
- series of related FAQ postings, it is a good idea to add a
- "References:" line to all of the postings except the first one,
- making the contents of that line the Message-ID of the first
- posting in the series. If you do this, then people who use
- threaded news readers will be able to manipulate the entire
- series as a single thread, including (for example) killing the
- entire thread if they're not interested or saving the entire
- thread to a file with one command. The perl FAQ poster
- mentioned above supports an option for doing this.
- Example:
- Expires: Fri, 1 May 1992 00:00:00 GMT
- Supersedes: <foo-faq_701650000@foosys.com>
- The date in the "Expires:" header should be far enough into the
- future that a new version of the FAQ will be posted before the
- one you're posting now expires. I've shown both headers in the
- format my post_faq script would use. I haven't shown a
- "References:" header, since the example posting I've been
- presenting is not part of a multi-part FAQ; if there were a
- "References:" header, it would contain a Message ID just like
- the "Supersedes:" header.
- e. Summary (O)
- You are encouraged to put a summary of the contents of your
- article in the Summary field of the header. Try to describe
- what your FAQ discusses, and aim your description at someone who
- may not actually be directly interested in the topic covered by
- your FAQ. There have been discussions about using the Summary
- fields of the FAQ postings in news.answers to construct a short
- "catalog" of the information available through news.answers, so
- think of the Summary field as a "catalog entry" for your FAQ.
- Note that header fields are allowed to span multiple lines, as
- long as the continuation lines after the first start with
- whitespace (at least one space or tab character).
- Example:
- Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
- Questions (and their answers) about Foo computers. It
- should be read by anyone who wishes to post to the
- comp.sys.foo newsgroup.
- 2. The auxiliary header
- The auxiliary header looks like the main message header (i.e.
- "Field-name: field-value"), but is separated from the main
- message header by a blank line, as well as followed by a blank
- line separating it from the rest of the body of the message.
- The auxiliary header of this posting is:
- Archive-name: news-answers/guidelines
- Version: $Id: guidelines,v 1.39 1992/12/14 02:28:10 jik Exp $
- a. Archive-name (R)
- In order to be cross-posted in news.answers, your posting must
- include an auxiliary archival header with an "Archive-name:"
- field.
- The archive name should be a short (14 characters or less, if at
- all possible, and if not, then each component of the name should
- be unique in the first 14 characters), one-word (hyphens
- allowed) tag identifying the FAQ. For example, the
- comp.unix.questions FAQ is "unix-faq" (which means that the
- auxiliary header contains "Archive-name: unix-faq"). Multi-part
- FAQs should be named "name/part1", "name/part2", etc. If you
- post a diff for your FAQ, it should be named "name/diff". If
- you post multiple diffs for a multi-part FAQ, they should be
- named "name/diff1", "name/diff2", etc. (if you want to use just
- one diff for a multi-part FAQ, you can juse use "name/diff" as
- its name). If you post a diff to a one-part posting, then the
- original FAQ should be named "name/part1" (although you can use
- a name besides "part1" if you think there is a more appropriate
- tag to identify the posting) and the diff should be named
- "name/diff". Avoid periods in the archive name, because some
- operating systems choke on them; if you must have word
- separators, use hyphens rather than periods.
- Please pick the archive name that you would like to use for your
- posting, and include the "Archive-name:" line with that archive
- name in it, when submitting to news.answers. If there is some
- problem with it, or if I would like to suggest an alternate
- name, I will let you know.
- Example:
- Archive-name: foo-faq
- If your posting already has an "Archive-name:" line which is not
- a valid news.answers archive name, and you do not want to change
- it, you can use a "News-answers-archive-name:" header line
- instead.
- b. Other archive names (O)
- The software which builds the FAQ archive on pit-manager.mit.edu
- (see the "Introduction to the news.answers newsgroup" posting
- for more information about it) automatically uses the
- "Archive-name:" line to determine the file name in which to save
- an FAQ, when saving it in any of the "answers" newsgroups
- (news.answers, rec.aviation.answers, etc.).
- Furthermore, if you have a field of the form
- "Newsgroup-name-archive-name: name" in your FAQ's auxiliary
- header (see the example below), the specified archive name will
- be used to save in the specified newsgroup. Such a
- newsgroup-specific archive name overrides any generic
- "Archive-name:" line.
- When an archive name for an FAQ cannot be determined in either
- of the ways mentioned above, the Subject line of the posting
- (with some minor modifications) is used as its file name.
- For example, if you have this in your normal header:
- Newsroups: comp.foo,comp.bar,comp.answers,news.answers
- Subject Comp.foo FAQ
- and this in your auxiliary header:
- Archive-name: foo-faq
- Comp-bar-archive-name: bar-faq
- then the posting will be saved as "foo-faq" in comp.answers and
- news.answers (because they are both "answers" newsgroups and
- will therefore use the Archive-name line), as "bar-faq" in
- comp.bar, and as "Comp.foo_FAQ" in comp.foo.
- If you do decide to specify additional archive names in your
- posting, please obey the guidelines for archive names given
- above.
- b. Last-modified, Version (O)
- You can have other fields in the auxiliary header, if you want.
- Two common ones are "Last-modified:" and "Version:".
- Example:
- Last-modified: 1992/03/25
- Version: 2.5
- 3. Sample FAQ headers
- Putting together the examples I've given above, your FAQ's
- headers (or, at least, the ones you submit to me) might look like
- this:
- From: guru@foosys.com (Joe R. Programmer)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.foo,news.answers
- Subject: comp.sys.foo FAQ
- Followup-To: comp.sys.foo
- Reply-To: faq-mail@foosys.com (FAQ Comments address)
- Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
- Questions (and their answers) about Foo computers. It
- should be read by anyone who wishes to post to the
- comp.sys.foo newsgroup.
- Expires: Fri, 1 May 1992 00:00:00 GMT
- Supersedes: <foo-faq_701650000@foosys.com>
- Archive-name: foo-faq
- Last-modified: 1992/03/25
- Version: 2.5
- Note that the blank line separating the normal header from the
- auxiliary header must be completely blank, i.e., no tabs or
- spaces, and that there must also be one or more completely blank
- lines after the auxiliary header.
- Of course, you can include in the posting header any of the other
- standard USENET header fields that have not been discussed here.
- C. Mailing lists for FAQ maintainers
- Maintainers of FAQs are strongly urged to join the faq-maintainers
- mailing list, which is used for discussion about the news.answers
- newsgroup and the maintenance of USENET FAQs.
- If you don't want to be on the discussion list, you may wish to
- join the faq-maintainers-announce list, which will be used only
- for announcements, instead. Note that subscribers to
- faq-maintainers automatically receive messages sent to
- faq-maintainers-announce.
- When submitting your FAQ, make sure to let me know whether or not
- you want to be on one of the lists.
- D. List of Periodic Informational Postings
- Unless you tell me otherwise, I will add any postings submitted to
- news.answers to the "List of Periodic Informational Postings"
- (LoPIP) articles which appear in news.answers, news.lists, and
- news.announce.newusers. Therefore, in addition to seeing a copy
- of your posting when you submit it to news.answers, I also need
- you to tell me the frequency at which you intend to post it, since
- the LoPIP posting contains a frequency field for each entry in it.
- If you do not have copies of the LoPIP postings and would like to
- get them, to see what they're like or to check if your FAQ is
- already listed, see the instructions at the end of this message.
- E. Article approval
- Once all of the other issues listed in this posting are resolved,
- you will be given approval to cross-post your FAQ to news.answers.
- You will have to indicate in the header of your posting that such
- approval has been given, or the posting will be mailed to me
- instead of posted.
- Note that I am intentionally being somewhat vague about what this
- entails. When I approve your posting for news.answers, I will
- provide more specific instructions.
- II. Submission instructions
- If you have a posting which you wish to submit to news.answers,
- you should first read the guidelines listed above and modify your
- posting to conform to them. Then, you should submit it by posting
- it to the news.answers newsgroup, assuming that the software on
- the poster's site works properly and will forward the posting to
- the news.answers moderator, or by mailing it to the news.answers
- submission address, news-answers@MIT.Edu. ONLY SUBMISSIONS SHOULD
- BE MAILED TO THAT ADDRESS. If there is some commentary or
- explanation that needs to be made, it should be mailed in a
- separate message to news-answers-request@MIT.Edu, which is the
- moderator contact address for any news.answers-related business.
- Please submit the FAQ in a form as close as possible to how it
- appears when you post it normally. This means that you should
- include a complete header, with at the very least the Subject line
- you normally use. I very much prefer you actually posting the
- message to news.answers as you would post it normally, including
- the cross-posted newsgroups, but omitting the moderation approval
- header line that would cause the article to actually be posted
- rather than mailed to me; this way, I will get to see exactly how
- the article will look when it is actually posted in news.answers.
- Also, if your FAQ does not say somewhere near the top how often it
- is posted, then please let me know the frequency in separate
- E-mail.
- Note that if you do not indicate moderator approval in the header
- of your posting, it will NOT be posted to any newsgroup, even if
- you list other newsgroups on the Newsgroups line besides
- news.answers. Therefore, you CAN and SHOULD place all Newsgroups
- to which you intend to post in the Newsgroups line, in the order
- you intend them to be in when you post.
- I will respond, either by agreeing that the FAQ belongs in
- news.answers as-is, by asking you to make minor modifications to
- it in order to make it acceptable, or by rejecting it as
- inappropriate for news.answers. If you are asked to make
- modifications, please do so and resubmit the posting to me just as
- you did the first time.
- Once an FAQ has been approved for news.answers, you will post it
- directly to the group yourself, by indicating in the header of the
- message that it was approved by the news.answers moderator, as
- described above.
- If possible, try to avoid posting your FAQ at a "predictable"
- time. For example, if you have decided to post it monthly, don't
- automatically decide to post it on the first of every month. This
- causes a flood of FAQs in news.answers (and on the net in general)
- at certain times of months, and this flood is big enough to
- overwhelm some smaller sites and many readers of news.answers.
- Therefore, rather than picking the "obvious" time to post, pick
- some other, random time during the month to do your posting.
- III. If you've submitted before
- If you've submitted FAQs to news.answers before, you still have
- to submit any new FAQs to me using the procedure described above,
- i.e., you cannot just post them directly to news.answers. This
- is also true if you add new parts to a multi-part posting, or if
- you convert a single posting into a multi-part posting.
- IV. Making changes to approved postings
- You should try to let me know if you change the Newsgroups or
- Subject line of a posting that you are cross-posting to
- news.answers, although this isn't very important and I probably
- won't have a heart attack if you forget or don't have time.
- You should definitely let me know if someone else takes over the
- maintenance of a posting that you've submitted.
- V. This posting
- Comments about, suggestions about or corrections to this posting
- are welcomed. If you would like to ask me to change this posting
- in some way, the method I appreciate most is for you to actually
- make the desired modifications to a copy of the posting, and then
- to send me the modified posting, or a context diff between my
- posted version and your modified version (if you do the latter,
- make sure to include in your mail the "Version:" line from my
- posted version). Submitting changes in this way makes dealing with
- them easier for me and helps to avoid misunderstandings about what
- you are suggesting.
- The following people provided feedback and helped to make this
- posting more readable and useful:
- Stan Brown <brown@NCoast.ORG>
- Aydin Edguer <edguer@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
- Tom_Lane@G.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
- Cindy Tittle Moore <tittle@ics.uci.edu>
- Steven D. Ourada <sourada@iastate.edu>
- Ken Shirriff <shirriff@sprite.Berkeley.EDU>
- Dan Tilque <dant@logos.WR.TEK.COM>
- Bill Wohler <wohler@sap-ag.de>
- V. Getting the "List of Periodic Informational Postings"
- There are three "List of Periodic Informational Postings"
- postings:
- Subject: List of Periodic Informational Postings, Part 1/4
- Subject: List of Periodic Informational Postings, Part 2/4
- Subject: List of Periodic Informational Postings, Part 3/4
- Subject: List of Periodic Informational Postings, Part 4/4
- Newsgroups: news.lists,news.announce.newusers,news.answers
- They are available in the indicated USENET newsgroups, or via
- anonymous ftp from pit-manager.mit.edu ( in the files:
- /pub/usenet/news.answers/periodic-postings/part1
- /pub/usenet/news.answers/periodic-postings/part2
- /pub/usenet/news.answers/periodic-postings/part3
- /pub/usenet/news.answers/periodic-postings/part4
- They are also available from mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu by
- sending a mail message containing any or all of:
- send usenet/news.answers/periodic-postings/part1
- send usenet/news.answers/periodic-postings/part2
- send usenet/news.answers/periodic-postings/part3
- send usenet/news.answers/periodic-postings/part4
- If you want to find out more about the mail server, send a message
- to it containing "help".
- --
- Jonathan Kamens jik@MIT.Edu
- Aktis, Inc. Moderator, news.answers